Continuous-time Markov chains are used to model stochastic systems where transitions can occur at irregular times, e.g., birth-death processes, chemical reaction networks, population dynamics, and gene regulatory networks. We develop a method to learn a continuous-time Markov chain's transition rate functions from fully observed time series. In contrast with existing methods, our method allows for transition rates to depend nonlinearly on both state variables and external covariates. The Gillespie algorithm is used to generate trajectories of stochastic systems where propensity functions (reaction rates) are known. Our method can be viewed as the inverse: given trajectories of a stochastic reaction network, we generate estimates of the propensity functions. While previous methods used linear or log-linear methods to link transition rates to covariates, we use neural networks, increasing the capacity and potential accuracy of learned models. In the chemical context, this enables the method to learn propensity functions from non-mass-action kinetics. We test our method with synthetic data generated from a variety of systems with known transition rates. We show that our method learns these transition rates with considerably more accuracy than log-linear methods, in terms of mean absolute error between ground truth and predicted transition rates. We also demonstrate an application of our methods to open-loop control of a continuous-time Markov chain.
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像许多研究社区一样,民族方法论家和对话分析师已经开始陷入 - 又一次 - 在人工智能(AI)激增的普遍景象中。受到越来越多的民族方法学研究人员(EM)和对话分析(CA)传统的讨论的启发,我开始思考EM和EM的对话分析可能正在做的事情,甚至可能在与人工智能研究领域。因此,这篇文章是关于可能遇到的纪律和概念性问题,并且 - 我认为 - 可能需要解决与AI研究及其分支机构的互动。尽管我主要关注要注意的事情以及彻底的危险,但后来我们可以考虑一些机会。在整个过程中,我将继续使用“我们”来谈论EM&CA研究人员;但这确实是为了方便的 - 我不想为我们复杂的研究社区进行口语。以下所有内容都应从我的特定研究史,角度等中释放出来,并被视为(希望)作为邀请EM和CA研究人员在技术和AI方面进行进一步讨论的邀请。
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切成薄片的相互信息(SMI)定义为在随机变量的一维随机投影之间的平均值(MI)项。它是对经典MI依赖的替代度量,该量子保留了许多特性,但更可扩展到高维度。但是,对SMI本身和其估计率的定量表征取决于环境维度,这对于理解可伸缩性至关重要,仍然晦涩难懂。这项工作将原始的SMI定义扩展到$ K $ -SMI,该定义将预测视为$ k $维二维子空间,并提供了有关其依赖性尺寸的多方面帐户。在2-Wasserstein指标中使用差分熵连续性的新结果,我们对Monte Carlo(MC)基于$ K $ -SMI的估计的错误得出了尖锐的界限,并明确依赖于$ K $和环境维度,揭示了他们与样品数量的相互作用。然后,我们将MC Integrator与神经估计框架相结合,以提供端到端$ K $ -SMI估算器,为此建立了最佳的收敛率。随着尺寸的增长,我们还探索了人口$ k $ -smi的渐近学,从而为高斯近似结果提供了在适当的力矩范围下衰减的残差。我们的理论通过数值实验验证,并适用于切片Infogan,该切片完全提供了$ k $ -smi的可伸缩性问题的全面定量说明,包括SMI作为特殊情况,当$ k = 1 $。
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Finding discriminant functions of minimum risk binary classification systems is a novel geometric locus problem -- which requires solving a system of fundamental locus equations of binary classification -- subject to deep-seated statistical laws. We show that a discriminant function of a minimum risk binary classification system is the solution of a locus equation that represents the geometric locus of the decision boundary of the system, wherein the discriminant function is connected to the decision boundary by an exclusive principal eigen-coordinate system -- at which point the discriminant function is represented by a geometric locus of a novel principal eigenaxis -- structured as a dual locus of likelihood components and principal eigenaxis components. We demonstrate that a minimum risk binary classification system acts to jointly minimize its eigenenergy and risk by locating a point of equilibrium, at which point critical minimum eigenenergies exhibited by the system are symmetrically concentrated in such a manner that the novel principal eigenaxis of the system exhibits symmetrical dimensions and densities, so that counteracting and opposing forces and influences of the system are symmetrically balanced with each other -- about the geometric center of the locus of the novel principal eigenaxis -- whereon the statistical fulcrum of the system is located. Thereby, a minimum risk binary classification system satisfies a state of statistical equilibrium -- so that the total allowed eigenenergy and the expected risk exhibited by the system are jointly minimized within the decision space of the system -- at which point the system exhibits the minimum probability of classification error.
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糖尿病足溃疡分类系统使用伤口感染(伤口内的细菌)和缺血(限制血供给)作为重要的临床指标治疗和预测伤口愈合。研究使用自动化计算机化方法在糖尿病足伤中使用自动化计算机化方法的使用和缺血的使用是有限的,这是有限的,因为存在的公开可用数据集和严重数据不平衡存在。糖尿病脚溃疡挑战2021提供了一种具有更大量数据集的参与者,其总共包括15,683只糖尿病足溃疡贴剂,用于训练5,734,用于测试,额外的3,994个未标记的贴片,以促进半监督和弱的发展 - 监督深度学习技巧。本文提供了对糖尿病足溃疡攻击2021中使用的方法的评估,并总结了从每个网络获得的结果。最佳性能的网络是前3种型号的结果的集合,宏观平均F1分数为0.6307。
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为了帮助现有的Telemental Mechanical服务,我们提出Deeptmh,这是一种通过提取对应于心理学文献经常使用的情感和认知特征的潜视和认知特征来模拟Telemental Mealth Session视频的新框架。我们的方法利用半监督学习的进步来解决Telemental Healts Sessience视频领域的数据稀缺,包括多模式半监督GaN,以检测Telemental卫生课程中的重要心理健康指标。我们展示了我们框架的有用性和与现有工作中的两项任务对比:参与回归和价值回归,这两者都对心理学家在眼药性健康会议期间对心理学家很重要。我们的框架报告了RMSE在参与回归中的RMSE方法的40%,并在价值唤醒回归中的SOTA方法中的50%改善。为了解决Telemental Health空间中公开的数据集的稀缺性,我们发布了一个新的数据集,Medica,用于心理健康患者参与检测。我们的数据集,Medica由1299个视频组成,每节3秒长。据我们所知,我们的方法是基于心理驱动的情感和认知功能来模拟Telemental Healts会话数据的第一种方法,这也通过利用半监督设置来解决数据稀疏性。
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我们考虑使用随机球形代码的高维信号$ x $的有损压缩表示之间的分布连接,并在添加白色高斯噪声(AWGN)下的$ X $观察$ x $。我们展示了比特率 - $ R $压缩版的Wassersein距离$ x $及其在AWGN-噪声比率下的AWGN噪声比率下的观察2 ^ {2R} -1 $ 2 ^ {2r} -1 $中的下线性。我们利用此事实基于AWGN损坏的$ x $的AWGN损坏版本的估算者的风险连接到与其比特率 - $ r $量化版本相同的估算器所获得的风险。我们通过在压缩约束下导出推导问题的各种新结果来展示这种联系的有用性,包括Minimax估计,稀疏回归,压缩感和远程源编码中的线性估计的普遍性。
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